Monday 21 October 2019

Slave Technology by Biju P R (Book Review: 3*/5) !!!

All of us have definitely become slaves of technology in this world of affordable smartphones, laptops and data packs. It has really become difficult for all of us to stay away from the social media websites and apps such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp, Blogging websites etc. But there is always the possibility about which track to follow when one is surfing through Social Media- the content that gives you positivity or the content that gives you negativity. If in any case, you start enjoying the negative content and also get involved in spreading the same, the technology that should be a boon for us ends up becoming bane and destructive. The 44th book of this year that I just completed reading on this weekend is based on the same named “Slave Technology” written by Biju P R who already has such researched books in the market. This book is published by Rupa Publications in around 144 pages.

The book is divided into 11 different chapters where all of them talks about the negative impact of the technology. As all of us while using Internet never takes it so seriously that it can actually change our mindset as per the contents we view, this book shall definitely act as a very big eye-opener where you shall be surprised with what all takes place because of the same Internet you have been using for uploading your pictures and check-ins on Facebook and Instagram. Author talks about the topics such as bragging on the Internet, rise of digital ghettos, the way gossips, rumours are spread, reputation is harmed, hatred is being campaigned, trolling is discussed in a full chapter, how sexism exists on the Internet, narcissism on Internet, people who scam others on Social media, how people end up falling in false love and then get betrayed and finally ends with censorship on the platform.

All the chapters cover whatsoever could have been covered in the same. As I have already read many articles in newspapers and Internet about the damage that social media does to people, community or country hence there was nothing new for me but I can say that author tried to cover all the points with statistics at few places to make them sound relevant.

The writing style of the author is like a journalist which makes it easy for you to read this book in a single sitting due to its easy language and user-friendly vocabulary. The references for all the articles that author has used in research while drafting/writing this book is mentioned at the end of every chapter. The amount of research that must have gone is incredible and that shows in the content of the book.

Talking about the few drawbacks, I must say that author has just mentioned all the drawbacks and shortcomings of the Internet but didn’t give any kind of solution- solutions even where it could be implemented at the individual level itself. Then, author has not discussed about the benefits of technology at all. So, if you are very positive about Internet and have not taken it that seriously till now, you shall end up getting negative and scared about your mobile and shall even sell it off and take a Black and white handset. Yes, the book is definitely very negative which I felt author could have balanced. I also felt that the author was biased towards a gender and religion which he made it sound as if they are too victimized by the acts of another majority on Internet which I disagree with. At some places, book sounds like an agenda too.

Overall, this is a nice book if you really want to know the negative impact of technology and social media in case you are unaware of what happens in the other world of Internet. I give this book 3 stars out of 5.

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