Arpit's lifeline in this book has been the way he develops his character which gives them life and because of which you manage to understand the trauma and dilemma each one of them are going through. When you are using few characters as cameo, it becomes very hard to give them a good background in the few paragraphs in which you are describing their personality but Arpit have managed to do it very well. The love between the two brothers is beautifully portrayed in this book. Author have written those sections with purity which makes few moments of the story more emotional than they are.
The first half of the book is written in explaining how both the brothers are suffering in their respective lives either in job or girlfriend and how the younger brother doesn't care much about the love showered on him by his elder brother. And the second half is more on the philosophical side where the younger brother goes back to his home where he spent his childhood after realizing the contribution of his elder brother in his life. The book becomes quite slow in the between which makes it very boring indeed. But it picks up in the anti-climax and manages to make the readers read it again in the fast pace. The best part of the book is the chemistry between Dhruv and Sachi. The conversation between them makes this book interesting in 2nd half. Another scene that is unforgettable in the book is when Dhruv finds THAT special tree. I can't say more about this scene as the secret of it would be revealed. :-)
Talking about the drawbacks of this book- I would say that the book is very much on the tragic side and author have just kept pulling it more into the depth of sadness which makes it very boring most of the times. I was expecting some great moments in the 2nd half when Dhruv returns back to Mumbai but author has kept the whole thing directed towards tragic story of another character. Also too much death one after another makes it quite repetitive and you stop feeling bad for the characters after a point when death of their closed ones is discussed. Overall, I would say that the book is a fine attempt but it could have been much better considering the plot author had chosen. I give this one 2.75* out of 5.
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