Initially, in the first 10 pages, it was difficult to get in flow with the superlative language but as you proceed, the narration makes it easy for you to read the book. The translation is wonderfully done which makes you realize how good this book would be in its original form. The philosophies and little bit of spirituality adds to the content of the story. There are many knowledgeable sections too which talks of pure science. When you are left with just 10-20 pages, you start feeling bad as you want the story to keep flowing. The treatment given to the story is surreal and like a poetry which just does not let you take a break while reading. And this is when there's not a single poetry, poem or prose in the book. Kudos!
Through the two characters, author has beautifully portrays how a human being finally breaks all his confinement to go through something which he never believes he would be able to. The characters were feeling suffocated in their marital relationship which made them go beyond the rekha defined by society and commit everything they considered sin few hours ago. It also describes perfectly the internal guilt that the characters are going through while breaking the barriers of their custom. With just two characters, author has been able to portray the status quo of the society and its naked reality.
The climax is just great when you realize how author has been able to create 160 pages over a moment. That makes you realize the brilliance of the author and not even once while reading the chapters do you guess that the story is based on a moment which takes place between the protagonist. The only drawback of the over-all package of this book is its pricing i.e. Rs. 250/-. A reader would resist to pay more than a rupee/page if he is not too much fond of the literature. If you have loved reading classics and Kolkata's gem, then you won't think twice before having this book in your shelf. I give this book 4* out of 5.
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